IC Nordic arrangementet d. 02. - 04. september 2011 i Finland

17-18. april 2010: Monte Carlo masters
I.C. Monaco har igen i år afsat billetter til fornuftig pris, 31 EURO pr. billet pr. dag, således at 2 af vores IC medlemmer kan overvære semifinaler og finale i denne stjernebesatte turnering. I.C. Monaco tilbyder hotel til speciel pris, 260 EURO pr nat.

18 maj 2010: Årlig ordinær generalforsamling i KDY, Tuborg havn
Dette års generalforsamling blev afholdt i nye rammer hos KDY. 19 medlemmer havde fundet vejen til Tuborg havn på årets første rigtige forårsdag. Efter formandens beretning og kasserens gennemgang af regnskabet, fik generalforsamlingen en status på dansk tennis, af forbundets formand Henrik Klitvad. Henrik sluttede sit indlæg med at overrække Mikael Bernhoft DTFs æresnål. Derefter var det tid til sandwich, øl og vin.

Formand Mikael Bernholf fortalte om det sidste års aktiviteter og IC udfordringer i fremtiden.

ICs ærespræsident Kurt Nielsen, deltog naturligvis i generalforsamlingen, til stor glæde for alle 19 deltagere.

Dansk Tennis Forbunds formand Henrik Klitvad, informerede om dansk tennis fremgang i 2009.

15. juni 2010: Havnetennis
Tennis "get together" for alle IC medlemmer blev afholdt i HIK (havnen) Derefter var der fælles spisning. I HIK.
Det blev en fantaktisk tennis dag med ikke mindre end 22 deltagere. Solen stod højt på himlen, og stemningen var fantaksisk.

4.- 5. september 2010: Invitation fra Finland
Nyetablerede I.C. Finland (med alle de finske stjerner gennem tiderne) har inviteret os til debutmatch. Det bliver helt sikkert ikke kedeligt i de finske søer og saunaer. Alle er velkomne til at melde sig. Begrænsning forbeholdes, afhængig af endelig holdopstilling. Forventet udgift til transport og ophold 2000 - 3000 kr. Tilmelding til sekretær snarest muligt.
25.- 26. september 2010: Invitation fra Monaco
I.C. Monaco har inviteret os til at gæste deres klub - en af de smukkeste beliggende, man kan forstille sig. Alle er velkomne til at melde sig, men vi kan ikke love at alle kommer med. Vi sætter hold, når vi har overblik over tilmeldingerne. Forventet udgift til transport og ophold 4000- 5000 kr. Tilmelding til sekretær snarest muligt.
Vi mangler fotos og data fra rigtig mange medlemmer på vores hjemmeside. Derfor må du meget gerne sende dit foto og data til sekretæren.
28/06/09: Chairman Mikael Bernhoft and Vice-Chairman Stein Ulrich is participating
in ICs International Annual Meeting, held on June 28 in London.
Mikael and Stein also participates in ICs lunch to be held on June 30.
Formand Mikael Bernhoft og Næstformand Stein Ulrich deltager i ICs
internationale årsmøde, som afholdes søndag den 28. juni i London.
Mikael og Stein deltager også i ICs frokost, som afholdes tirsdag den 30. juni.
18/05/09: General Assembly at Lyngby Tennis Club.
The annual report from the President and the financial report were approved.
Modified "Regulations of IC/Denmark" were approved.
The new board was elected as follows:
Chairman : Mikael Bernhoft
Members of the Board: Christian Buchwald,Kenneth Carlsen,Birgit Hoffmeyer
Michael Klitvad,H.P.Michaelsen, Stein Ulrich and Lone Vandborg
Honorary President: Kurt Nielsen.
Auditor: Otto Buchwald
17/05/09: IC/DK participated in the IC-tennis/golf tournament on Mallorca May 13-17.
After losing 1-6 to Spain in the first round the Danish team beat
Ireland 4-3 to finish no.3 in the tournament
27/04/09: The Golf/Tennis event in Cphg. for IC/DK members is moved to Sept.20
18/04/09: Mikael Bernhoft was in Monte Carlo for the Rolex Masters Saturday
April 18 by invitation from IC in Monaco. He enjoyed watching the
semifinal between Nadal and Murray with the blue Mediterranian
as background.
26/02/09: IC/DK Board Meeting.It was decided to participate Mallorca May 13-17.
26/02/09: IC/DK Board Meeting.It was decided to participate Monte Carlo April 18-19.
08/01/09: IC/DK BoardMeeting.It was decided immediately to issue a newsletter.
08/09/08: The tie IC/DK vs IC/GB in Copenhagen was won 11-4 by the Danes. Click here07/09/08: 11 am. Matches start in tie IC/DK - IC/GB at HIK.
06/09/08: 09 am. Matches start in tie IC/DK - IC/GB at HIK.
21/05/08: General Assembly at Lyngby Tennis Club. The number of participants
was strongly influenced by the Champions League final the same evening!
The annual report from the President and the economics were approved.
The Board was reelected. The President thanked our retiring auditor Bernhard
Frederiksen for his highly appreciated work, and Otto Buchwald was elected
as auditor.
19/05/08: The Swiss ambassador to Denmark,Andre Faivet - who is retiring at the end
of the month - has accepted our invitation to become a member of IC/DK.
Kurt Nielsen, Joergen Ulrich and Soeren Hoejberg participated in yesterday's
fare-well reception at the Swiss Embassy.
18/05/08: Our team returned today from the tennis/golf-arrangement in Spain where
we lost to UK in the semi-finals. In the finals IC of Spain beat IC of UK.
Our team was Kai F Nielsen, Peter Knap (Tennis), Stein Ulrich, Peter Nathan
(tennis/golf), Claus S Pallesen, Jørgen Ulrich (golf). Nathan participated as
More results and details to be updated under "Events" soon.
08/04/08: Invitations for General Assembly May 21 and Information letters mailed today
13/03/08: Board Meeting.
12/03/08: The regulations of IC/Denmark (in Danish!) have been added to
our home page
14/01/08: After today's Board Meeting IC/DK can welcome as new members:
.Anja Kostecki
.Joergen Lange
19/10/07: The main sponsor of the "Koebstaedernes ATP Challenger 2007" in
Kolding had kindly invited the IC/DK-members for a combined tennis/buffet-
arrangement on Oct.17.
21 members accepted the invitation to this day where Kenneth Carlsen
played his last match on the ATP-tour
18/10/07: The combined IC-tennis/golf event took place Sept 30.The auction in
connection with lunch(20 participants) was particularly succesful.
03/09/07: Invitation for the IC Tennis/Golf event 30/09.07 for national IC members.
Click here.
22/08/07: On the Board meeting Aug.20 it was decided that the
Tennis/Golf arrangement will take place Sept.30.Invitation
will follow shortly.
17/08/07: IC/Denmark Board meeting on Aug.20 at 17.30 pm
15/07/07: This week-end IC/DK's team(see "News 28/04)" in Columbus Cup/2007
has returned from Bruxelles.
"Fantastic arrangement" and "I cannot imagine a better organisation"
are some of the quotes from the team.
We had a somewhat unlucky draw and lost 2-4(2 singles and 1 doubles
for both the 55+ and 65+ teams) to both Argentine and France.
In spite these losses the Danish Captain had balanced his team so that no
individual player -who played "live" matches -left Bruxelles without a victory!
See program, results and review in the Events Archive.
01/07/07: On the middle Sunday of Wimbledon our President,Kurt Nielsen
and Treasurer, Poul Christensen represented IC/Denmark
in the Annual International IC-meeting in London
24/06/07: Both teams(see 13/06) have returned after,in all respects,succesful trips:
Mallorca:Denmark lost 3/4 in the final to Spain after 7 tie breaks! In the
key golf match "only 2 grass straws prevented a Danish victory".
Program, results and review in the Events Archive
Prague: Denmark No.3,in spite a former Wimbledon finalist(Kodes) played on
the host's team! Program, results and review in the Events Archive
13/06/07: Today IC/DK sent no less that 2 teams abroad - to Prague and Mallorca!
24/05/07: Succesful General Assembly with appr.20 participants in Lyngby T.C.
Minutes from the meeting,incl.The President's Annual Report will be made
available on the Web in "Events/Archive"
24/05/07:We welcome 3 new female members of IC/DK:
Birgit Carlsen(b.1954)
Andrea M.Hermansen(b.1985)
Birgitte Hostrup(b.1955)
23/05/07: Frans Nørby is new member of team in Prague 13-17 juni
22/05/07: Svend Erik Kundby Nielsen can't play in Prague 13-17 juni due to bad knee
30/04/07: IC DK-IC/Austria.Program,results and review in Events Archive
30/04/07: IC Denmarks team for IC First Sun Mallorca Tennis/Golf Challenge June 13-17.
28/04/07: IC Denmark's team for Columbus Cup in Belgium July 11-14
26/04/07: Newsletter #2 issued
Newsletter #2 issued with information about the IC homepage and the Annual General Assembly May 24 - both links are in Danish. Newsletter #2. Annual General Assembly.
23/04 /07: IC Denmark's NEW WEBSITE LAUNCHED
14/04/07: IC Denmark's team/Prague June 13-17
23/03/07: IC Denmark's team against IC/Oesterreich April 20-21
26/02/07: Impressive loss !
Our member, Kristian Pless, today lost as narrowly as 6/7-6/3-3/6 against the
- maybe ! - best tennis player ever, Roger Federer
11/02/07: Newsletter issued
Newsletter issued with - among other items - information about the 6 presently planned
arrangements in 2007. Newsletter in Danish.
29/01/07 : Impressive result !
Our member Alan Rasmussen over the week-end in Seefeld/Austria won the title in the 50+
events in the European Championships in both singles and doubles.
Congratulations Alan !
19/01/07 : Time Table for IC/DK's home page
At the Board meeting January 18 the following time table for IC/DK's home page
was agreed to:
February : Pilot test by the Board members
March-April : Testing by the members who supply supplementary data
May : Presentation for - and approval by - The General Assembly
08/12/06 : New members of IC/DK
At the Board meeting Dec 7 the following were accepted as new Members of IC/DK: