
October 2022
IC Denmark - IC Great Britain. June 2022

IC Denmark - IC Great Britain. June 2022


Due to the ongoing pandemic, a long awaited meeting with the IC of GB took place on the 18th and 19th of June in Copenhagen at B93's beautiful facility at Svanemøllen.

We were blessed by a pleasant Danish summer Saturday in the well-maintained club, and even though Sunday had to be played indoors, really good tennis and really good sportsmanship were dominant throughout the match.

Through most of Saturday and Sunday morning, 17 matches were played, all in agreed format with two tiebreak sets, and a potential match tiebreak (of which there was a part - so the pairing was good). A 9 to 8 win for IC in the UK reflects the close game very well.

After Saturday's games, we had a very nice canal cruise in the Port of Copenhagen followed by a nice dinner at the Boathouse.

During the dinner, the Danish team captain, Steen Biilmann, was awarded by IC GB's team captain, Anne Clark, with an honorary membership of the IC of GB. The IC of GB player, Karen Cass, was awarded honorary membership of the Danish IC, by Christian v. Buchwald, co-team captain and representative of the board of IC DK, emphasizing the strong relationship and friendship between the two IC nations.

On behalf of all players in the Danish team, we would like to thank the Great Britain team, not only for completing the game in good spirit, but also for contributing to a lovely atmosphere on and off the court. We are very much looking forward to our next match.

Text by Buchwald and Biilmann

Thanks to Mette Rytsel for all the wonderful pictures

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