
June 2020
IC Tennis & Grill 2020

IC Tennis & Grill 2020

June 30 2020. HIK.

This year's IC tennis and Grill was once again held at HIK's beautiful facilities.

The IC of Denmark was additionally very happy to welcome the Tennisavisen to view and to make an article about this lovely day. The Tennisavisen report by Ole Dalsgaard Jensen can be seen here: Clara Tauson første kvindelige modtager af The Kurt Nielsen Award.

IC Tennis & Grill event -

Clara Tauson/Kurt Nielsen Award -

The schedule of the day began with 2 hours of doubles, which offered many different constellations, and in between matches you could supply yourself with delicious snacks and cold drinks.
The organizers had also taken the current circumstances regarding Covid-19 into account. This included hand sanitizer on all courts , and "high elbow" was given instead of "high five".
The day started of by presenting The Kurt Nielsen award, which was awarded to Clara Tauson, who is currently residing in Belgium and it was therefore her uncle Michael Tauson who received the award on her behalf.
Despite rain and heavy winds, a lot of good tennis was played. There was a great atmosphere all around and it seemed like everyone was excited to play.

Our IC members showed a high level of commitment, and it was clear to see how important tennis is and how much it means to each player. It’s was amazing finally being able to socialize after months of being isolated due to coronavirus.

In the evening we all shared dinner at HIK's restaurant. And, traditionally, during the dinner, various awards were awarded based on today's tennis performances.
- Johannes Ingilsen won the award for most winning games.
- Peter Utzon won the award for countless 'short angle’ shots.
- Karina Ildor Jacobsgaard won the award for great 'half volleys'
- Claus Ketterle won the award for most successful 'tweener'

The last prize of the day was awarded to Frederik Løcthe Nielsen for ‘most failed attempts to perform a trick shot’.

Like the previous years, the event was a great success and we are already looking forward to next year.

A big thank you to everyone who participated. Thanks to Thomas Kromann and Stein Ulrich for stacking it all up. Thanks to you HEAD / Coolsport for donating the tennis balls. Thanks to HIK tennisclub for having us and last but not least thanks to Berit for always providing the most beautiful dinner.

All the best
Malou Ejdesgaard


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